Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Secret Ingredients To A Happy Marriage

By October 1st we shall be celebrating 17th years marriage anniversary. When i looked back over years we can boldly say we have had a good and sweet marriage relationship amidst of storms.
Every marriage in life has its up and down but what you make out of it makes you a success or failure.
What then are the secret to my happiness over the years? The following tips have been the secret of my successful couples married life amidst of increased rate of divorce and break-ups.
1. Foundation of your marriage: We built our relationship on God. I got my wife on my knees, our wedding was a success because we brought him into the relationship. We commit every ups and down always into his hand. He has been our succor when everything humanly possible fails. Mt 7:24-27. Your marriage cannot succeed without him.
2. Accepting one another :We understand and accept that everyone is not the same, each has its strengths and weaknesses. We also understand we came from different background which means different orientation , therefore the best key principle is to accept one another just as it is and try not to change the other.
3. Being open to one another: No marriage can ever succeed when couples  hide things from each other. Secrecy destroys marriage relationship.Over the years we have make it a policy not to hide anything from one another no matter how ugly the case may be.
4. Communication: As in every other respect of life, good communication is the key  factor to a happy and successful marriage.  Is it okay to discuss or argue over certain things?,the answer is yes but certain principle must be applied to avoid confusion and trouble , therefore we must look at the following principles.We have used the following to improve our communication skills which have helped us to live happily over the years:
 1. Be honest and sincere
2. Avoid communication gap, learn to often talk to each other.
3. Always take your time to listen when the other speaks.
4. Speak out your concerns when the needs arises .
5. Don't your partners Kindness for granted, always learn to appreciate them in your own little way.
6. Don't ever wash your dirty lining outside.
7. Respect is reciprocal. Respect each other no matter the situation
8. Do not go to bed with an unresolved issues. In-fact do not let sunset go down over your anger.
9.Always use the marriage magic words often:" I love you" and  "I'm sorry.".
10. You learn to Forgive and forget quickly.
11 Never keep secrets from each other.
12 Keep your parents marriage.

What happened to romance? I remember the first time you started seeing each other? You used to wear makeup, put your best, hold hands, and do things to please your partner. Why is it different after a few years? Keep the romance alive is a key element to be happy with your partner. Tips for the UN-romantic:

1. They shake hands.

2nd I kiss you every day - several times a day, actually.

3rd Give flowers or gifts, or love you cards without any occasion.

4. Remember birthdays. Plan of surprises.

5. Share the things you can - food, dishes, clothes, bills.

6. Valentine days.

7th Watch romantic movies together.

8. Walk on the beach when the moon is full.

9. Watching the sunrise or the sunset together.

10th Learn what turns your partner on and off.

11. Do not make sex a chore. Experiment, be creative.

12. Make her favorite breakfast.

13th Dress up or makeup, just for him or her.

14. Track your love when you're away.

15. Do not compare and praise of men and women.

Little things make a difference. Many were covered in previous lists. Here are some more:

1. Talk about your dreams, goals and ambitions.

2. Giving a foot massage and back massage while your partner is tired.

3. Call during the day.
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4. Turn your iPhone or Blackberry, while on a date together.

5th Make her way sometimes.

6. Beware of bad breath and body odor.

7th Respond quickly to the wishes of your partner.

8th Pray for each other daily ... the heart.

9th Do not start sharing your problems when your partner shows after work

Keep the 10th of his image in your wallet or as wallpaper on your phone.

11. Take a walk together.

12. Accept their "annoying" habits. Do not nag

13. Do not offer advice unless asked.

14. Embrace.

15. Be willing to sacrifice their own interests and preferences of your partner.

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